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A white Pseudobombax septenatum flower with long stamens and white curly petals spotted brown underneath in sunlight
pseudobombax septenatum
Pseudobombax septenatum

A deciduous tree native to the range from Nicaragua to Brazil, flourishing in semideciduous rainforests that experience a marked dry season. It is distinguished by its cream-colored flowers which exhibit a prominent roundish cluster of stamens, encircling the pistil—a floral characteristic it shares with other genera like Ceiba. Notably, it displays bright green lines through its bark, a trait also found in related species​. Photographed in the department of Bolivar, Colombia.

A white Pseudobombax septenatum flower with long stamens and white curly petals spotted brown underneath and brown-green flower buds
A white Pseudobombax septenatum flower with long stamens and white curly petals spotted brown underneath in
Pseudobombax septenatum tree trunk with green lines and bulging and uneven surface

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