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A Salvia splendens bush with spikes of red inflorescences
salvia splendens
Salvia splendens (Scarlet Sage)

A shrub with origins in the high-elevation regions of Brazil in environments that are consistently warm and humid. This species is celebrated for its vibrant, dense flower spikes that bloom indefatigably in an array of colors beyond its typical scarlet - including purple, pink, blue, lavender, salmon, and white - earning it a spot as a favored ornamental plant. Cultivated primarily for its vivid blossoms, which are particularly attractive to hummingbirds, scarlet sage has spread beyond its native Brazil to become a staple in gardens worldwide, often grown as an annual in cooler climates. Salvia tea has been associated with improved emotional states and cognitive abilities, and the plant's antioxidant activity has been confirmed across multiple studies​.Photographed in Pereria, Colombia.

Purple-red Salvia splendens flowers with dark purple sepals
Pink Salvia splendens flower in sunlight
Dark purple Salvia splendens flowers in sunlight
Salvia splendens red flowers in sunlight
Salvia splendens inflorescence with red flowers and darker red sepals
Salvia splendens purple flower with white filaments in sunlight
Salvia splendens inflorescence with salmon-colored flowers and orange sepals
Salvia splendens red flowers
Salvia splendens inflorescence with pink flowers and salmon-color sepals
Two purple Salvia splendens flowers with purple sepals
Salvia splendens inflorescence with red flowers and red sepals

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