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Piranga olivacea female
Piranga olivacea (Scarlet Tanager)

The Scarlet Tanager, is a strikingly beautiful bird species native to North and Central America. These birds are a favorite among animal lovers and birdwatchers due to their vibrant plumage and unique behaviors. The Scarlet Tanager's distribution range covers a significant portion of North America, including eastern and central regions of the United States and parts of southern Canada during their breeding season. They can be found as far north as the boreal forests of Canada and as far south as northern South America during their winter migration. These birds are primarily neotropical migrants, spending their winters in tropical regions before returning to North America for the breeding season. Scarlet Tanagers typically inhabit deciduous and mixed woodlands during their breeding season. They prefer mature forests with a dense canopy where they can find ample insects, their primary source of food during this period. These birds are known for their preference for dense foliage and are often found high up in the trees. The Scarlet Tanager is not classified as an endangered species. One interesting behavior exhibited by Scarlet Tanagers is their preference for eating bees and wasps, which they capture in flight. They have a specialized notch in their bill that helps them catch and eat these stinging insects, a behavior not commonly observed in other bird species.

Piranga olivacea back female view
Piranga olivacea on a branch
Piranga olivacea orange and black bird

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