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Pionus menstruus head with white around the eye
Pionus menstruus (Blue-headed Parrot)

The Blue-headed Parrot is a medium-sized bird, approximately 10.6 inches in length. This parrot's plumage predominantly features green, complemented by a striking blue head and neck, and red undertail coverts. Blue-headed Parrots are found in tropical and subtropical regions of South and Central America. Their habitat includes forests and semi-open country, including cultivated areas, and they are largely restricted to humid or semi-humid regions, but can also be found in drier habitats along rivers. This species nests in tree cavities and lays three to five white eggs per clutch​​. Blue-headed Parrots are known for their noisy nature, often making light, high-pitched squeaking calls. Their diet primarily consists of fruit, seeds, and occasionally grain. They have a communal roosting habit, often seen in large numbers in palm and other trees at dawn and dusk. The Blue-headed Parrot is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN with a global population over 5 million mature individuals. In captivity, the Blue-headed Parrot, like other Pionus species, is known for its intelligence and inquisitiveness. These parrots enjoy interacting with their human caregivers and thrive on attention. While they are not as physically affectionate as some other parrot species, they often bond strongly with one person and are tolerant of other household members. They are generally quieter than other parrots but can be quite loud, especially during their dawn and evening chorus.

A Pionus menstruus with vibrant colors on a branch in sunlight
Pionus menstruus with blue head, pink throat, green wings and an open mouth exposing a dark tongue

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