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Pionites melanocephalus perched on a branch
pionites melanocephalus
Pionites melanocephalus (Black-headed parrot)

The Black-headed Parrot is a small, colorful bird native to Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. Adult Black-headed Parrots are distinguished by a black cap from the forehead to the nape and a rufous-orange band across their hindneck, with a general body color of green, yellow, and creamy white. They measure between 8.3 to 9.8 inches in length and weigh around 4.6 to 6.0 ounces​​. The Black-headed Parrot inhabits the canopy, clearings, and edges of humid lowland tropical forests, including both terra firme and várzea types, as well as secondary forests. They are found at elevations up to 3,300 feet, but more commonly below 1,600 feet. This species is nomadic in parts of its range, such as French Guiana, following the availability of food, and typically forms small flocks of up to about eight individuals. Their diet consists of seeds, fruit, flowers, and leaves, with a particular fondness for palm leaves, likely due to their mineral content​​​​. The nesting season of the Black-headed Parrot varies across its range, with breeding taking place in different months in Venezuela, Suriname, and French Guiana. These parrots nest in tree cavities and typically lay two to four eggs per clutch. In captivity, the incubation period lasts for about 25 days, and fledging occurs approximately 10 weeks after hatching. Known for their vocal nature, Black-headed Parrots emit a high-pitched and penetrating squealing call and are very vocal when perched, producing a variety of sounds​​​​. Despite facing threats like habitat loss and trapping, the Black-headed Parrot is currently listed as of Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. In captivity, Black-headed Parrots, are popular pets due to their playful and energetic nature. They are not particularly skilled talkers but are known for their entertaining and active behavior. These birds are generally healthy but can be prone to issues like feather plucking and obesity if not properly cared for​​​​.

Black-headed parrot standing on one leg

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