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A yellow Passiflora Edulis Var. Flavicarpa fruit next to two halves with with yellow-orange pulp in top of a wood chair glistening in sunset light
Passiflora Edulis Var. Flavicarpa (Yellow Passionfruit)

A fruit vine rooted in tropical South America, with white blossoms and purple-based filaments. The fruit, though similar in most characteristics to the purple variant, bears a larger fruit with a brighter, yellow skin. Its pulp, a blend of sweet and tart, makes a delicious juice​ called maracuyá in Colombia where it is an export product. The fruit is at its best when yellow, wriggled and heavy. Photographed in the central Andes mountain range of Colombia (Cordillera Central).

One yellow and green passiflora edulis fruit cut in half and held by hand
Three white Passiflora edulis flowers with purple and white coronas in dabble sunlight
A white Passiflora Edulis flower with green stigmas and filaments and cream colored anther and purple and white coronas
Passiflora edulis white and purple flower

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