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Red jatropha multifida inflorescence with reds flowers and yellow stamens
Jatropha multifida

Originating from a range stretching from Mexico to Brazil, the single-trunked evergreen shrub has found its way into many gardens across tropical to sub-tropical regions worldwide. It has clusters of small flowers that mostly bloom year-round, each being about 1/4" across, showcased in terminal flat-topped clusters known as compound cymes​.
Research has illustrated its potential in exhibiting antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities which have been traditionally harnessed for wound healing among other uses​. The presence of flavonoids, flavones, apigenin, and vitexin are identified as excellent antioxidants, offering protection against oxidative stress and improving blood circulation, thus hinting at cardio-protective properties​​. Furthermore, its sap has demonstrated promising wound healing ability, marking it as a potential candidate for topical wound-healing agents​​. Photographed in the central Andes mountain range of Colombia (Cordillera Central).

Red jatropha multifida inflorescence with reds flowers and yellow stamens and one green fruit

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