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Barranquilla, the fourth largest city in Colombia (a metropolitan area of less than two million) is not a coastal city, yet as you can see very close to the Caribbean. The north side of Barranquilla with a little rise in elevation is the best part of town and dense with many apartment high-rises. There has been a building boom in Barranquilla for over ten years. The city is adjacent to the west side of the Magdalena River which crosses almost 1,000 miles through Colombia. Barranquilla has a dry season from December to May. The wind also picks-up during this time making it dustier and nosier. On most days of the year, the view is not clear due to haze and blowing dirt. Air-condition is needed at night since the temperature only drops to the high 70s. Barranquilla is an industrial and port city with very limited touristic interest. However, there are many short-trip getaways. Going east across the new Pumarejo bridge you reach mountains and beautiful beaches within two to four hours. Going west you enjoy Cartagena and Caribbean islands also within two to four hours. North takes you to the mouth of the Magdalena River and a strip of land that extends to where the river meets the sea. A rail cart can take you close to the tip, it is best to sit on the opposite end of the loud and smoky motor. If you go south, well you're likely lost, only the adventuress travel the hot, swampy, isolated, pasture and agricultural lands of the campesinos. Many of the photos here represent Barranquilla on rare clear days. Including a rare view of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta from Barranquilla, which is only about two hours away, yet rarely seen due to haze or cloud cover. The remaining photos are of Malecon (river walkway), the Salgar Castle, architectures and churches of Barranquilla.