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A light-pink Passiflora tripartita flower with yellow anthers and green stigmas
Passiflora tripartita
Passiflora tripartita

A fast-growing evergreen climber originating from the high elevations of the Andes displaying large mid-pink flowers. With a history of cultivation dating back to pre-Columbian times, offering sweet edible orange-colored pulp nestled within a yellow-orange exterior​. One of the attributes of the Banana Passionfruit is its antioxidant capacity along with a rich content of flavonoids and phenolics. These compounds are known for their health-promoting properties. For instance, the antioxidant capacity can be a shield against oxidative stress, a contributor to chronic diseases. Moreover, flavonoids and phenolics are celebrated for their potential anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, among others. Photographed in the eastern Andes of Colombia.

A pink Passiflora tripartita flower with yellow anthers and green stigmas

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