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Bird standing on a branch looking to the side
Psarocolius decumanus
Psarocolius decumanus (Crested Oropendola)

The Crested Oropendola is predominantly found in the lowlands east of the Andes, ranging from Panama and Colombia to northern Argentina, and is also present on the islands of Trinidad and Tobago​​. This species is notable for its striking appearance. Adult males are primarily black with a chestnut rump and a tail that is bright yellow, except for two dark central feathers. They also have a long, narrow crest, which is often difficult to see, blue irises, and a long whitish bill. Females share a similar coloration but are smaller, duller, and lack the crest​​. They are relatively large birds, with males reaching about 18 inches in length and weighing around 10.6 ounces, while females are about 14.6 inches long and weigh approximately 6.3 ounces​​. It prefers forest edges and clearings, exhibiting a colonial breeding pattern. The species constructs large, hanging woven nests, often over 49 inches long, high in trees. The nests house two blotched blue-grey eggs, which hatch in 15 to 19 days, with fledglings emerging after another 24 to 36 days. Intriguingly, each colony typically has a dominant male, which mates with most of the females following an elaborate bowing display, with colonies comprising 15-30 females and only 3-4 males​​. The global population is estimated to be above 5 mature individuals. Photographed in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

Bird on a tree branch
Cornbird high-up in a tree
Black feathers and yellow underside of tail
Ivory color beak, blue eyes and black feathers
Psarocolius decumanus on a tree branch
Psarocolius decumanus next to her nest
Bright blue-eyed crested oropendola perched on a branch seen from below

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